This is a take-action approach to beating cellulite, including declaring war on cellulite with the “Ten Step Anti Cellulite Programme”. After the introduction - “The Curse of Eve - What is cellulite and why me?” the text goes on to list the usual suspects and to encourage readers to ban nicotine, cut down on coffee and alcohol, bin anti-cellulite creams and cleanse body systems with a detox. It looks at diet and herbal supplements like Cellasene, considers why people don’t drink enough water, and has an overview of exercise and circulation improvers.
More InformationCounselling is fast becoming one of the major growth industries of our time, and is very definitely one of the buzzwords of the 90s. But what exactly is counselling? How does it work? Who needs it, and why is it suddenly becoming so very popular? What can counselling do for you that you couldn’t manage to do for yourself? And who exactly are these people called counsellors? Are they really so much wiser and more knowledgeable than the rest of us? Liz Hodgkinson answers all the difficult questions.
More InformationDo you feel depressed? Does the world seem a hostile place? Are you lonely? Would you like to feel better? Then this book could hold the answer The message of the book is simple: smiling is good for you! We all feel better when we smile, or when others smile at us. Now Liz Hodgkinson explains that there are sound scientific reasons for this, and describes some of the ‘miracle’ cures that have been achieved by conscious smiling and laughter including even recovery from cancer.
More InformationSpiritual healing is currently enjoying the most phenomenal growth, and since 1977 it has been accepted and recommended by the British Medical Association for use alongside orthodox medical treatment. But what exactly is spiritual healing? What is this mysterious ability that some people have that will enable a patient to be healed without the intervention of drugs or surgery, often by a person with no medical knowledge? And if it can help others, can it help you?
More InformationThe Alexander Technique has become one of the most popular alternative therapies and is now widely accepted by the medical profession. it is a system of re-educating the body so that it is in correct alignment and functions efficiently, as nature intended. There is no age, sex or disability limit. Anyone can benefit from an understanding of the Technique as it influences the whole body - emotionally and psychologically as well as physically.
More InformationIs there a link between, among others, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, alcoholism, sub-fertility and behavioural problems in children? The answer could be simple - zinc. Professor Bryce-Smith’s career followed a fairly orthodox pattern of teaching and research until about 15 years ago. His work has led him to examine the close relationship of minerals with health, and zinc deficiency, he believes, is the key to many illnesses.
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